Terms and conditions
Welcome to Kristina Gasenko Consulting LLC. By accessing our websites, downloading free
materials, registering, or purchasing services listed, you (the "User") are agreeing to the
following terms and conditions (the "Agreement"). If you do not agree with these terms,
please do not use our services or websites.
Acceptance of the Agreement
The act of downloading materials, registering on the websites listed below, or purchasing
services constitutes acceptance of this Agreement:
• https://kglicense.soholms.com/
• https://student.soholms.com/
• https://kglicense.com
• "Administrator" refers to Kristina Gasenko Consulting LLC, which provides the
services listed on the websites.
• "User" is any individual or entity that uses the websites or services provided.
• "Site" refers to the collective presence of the Administrator on the internet,
accessible via the URLs listed above.
The Agreement may use terms that are not defined in the Definitions section above. In this
case, the term shall be interpreted in accordance with its plain text meaning.

1.1. This Agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the by the Administrator to the
1.2. The services offered for purchase through this agreement by Administrator to the User
are expressly limited to provision of information and consulting services.
1.3. By using the functionality of the Site, the User instructs, and the Administrator assumes
the obligation to provide the User with the selected services.
1.4. For the provision of services under this Agreement, the User pays the Administrator a fee
in the amount, manner and period established by this Agreement.
1.5. Paid Services are chosen by the User through the websites and include but are not limited
to the following packages:
A. ’Basic Consultation. We'll Handle it for You' is provided to the User by the
Administrator and includes the following informational and advisory services: The
Administrator and their team handle the User's documents for translation, print them,
complete the necessary applications, send them to the state department, and pay the required
fees; Communication with the Administrator and their team will be conducted via email or one the account of the platform https://student.soholms.com/ throughout the entire process, phone calls and Zoom-meetings between the User and the Administrator are NOT included in this service; The User has the option to switch to the 'no exam' tariff.
*The consultation does not include issuance or receipt of any certificates and/or statements.
B. 'Exam Preparation' is provided to the User by the Administrator and includes the
following informational and advisory services: analysis of exam topics in the form of short
video lessons in Russian language with presentations in English language demonstration;
official instructions for the practical exam in English; testing and practice with materials on
an interactive platform; the User can study from anywhere at any free moment using any
device; a comprehensive English-Russian glossary of mandatory terms compiled by the
Administrator, spanning 70 pages; feedback from the Administrator on all User questions
related to the course; over 1500 questions related to the User's field of specialization and
correct translations of incorrect answers by topic; access to the course is provided to the User
immediately after payment and until the exam is taken or the year after purchase which comes first; all necessary materials for successful exam preparation are provided, including summaries, tests, and the official book. This service does NOT include any exam fees associated with scheduling the board exam.
C. ‘Exam Preparation. Personal Guidance’ is provided to the User by the Administrator
and includes the following informational and advisory services: individual sessions under the
guidance of the Administrator. The Administrator provides the User with the opportunity to prepare for the exam through personal 60-minute Zoom meetings twice a week for a
duration of two months. Total of 16 one-to-one lessons.
D. ‘ Salon Licensing Consultation' is provided to the User by the Administrator and includes
the following informational and advisory services: The User receives information about the
documents required for licensing a salon in the USA (the cost of assistance with
salon license application is included in the consultation fee);
E. ‘Salon sanitary Rules and Laws Consultation’ is provided to the User by the Administrator and includes the following informational and advisory services: information about the sanitary
requirements for the salon premises and how to comply with them; a recorded lesson on "Sanitary Standards in the Salon - Working without Penalties." Administrator
provided a recorded consultation, and after payment, the User will gain access to all
materials in their personal account. For employee hiring, the User will need to inquire with a
tax assistant accountant for specific information.
F. ‘ Instructor’s Courses Opening Webinar’ service is provided to the User by the
Administrator and includes the following informational and advisory services: information on
how to legally conduct training courses for beauty professionals in the USA; in which cases
it is necessary to obtain an instructor's license and how to do it correctly; the way how to legally
conduct masterclasses; the equipment and premises requirements for opening a school; what
is needed to open your own school, issue diplomas with hours for the board so that
professionals can obtain beauty licenses; where to find information of how to license the school and the curriculum. Administrator provided a recorded consultation, and after payment, the User will gain access to all materials in their personal account.
G. ‘Instruction for Permanent Makeup Artists’ is provided to the User by the
Administrator and includes the following informational and advisory services: after
payment, within 7-10 business days, the User will receive a step-by-step plan in Russian
language for obtaining a certificate to provide permanent makeup (tattooing) services via
email. Additionally, the Administrator provides the User with all necessary instructions,
application templates, and useful links. The User has the option to switch to the ‘We’ll handle it for you' tariff.
H. ‘ Instruction for Laser Hair Removal Specialists’ service is provided to the User by the
Administrator and includes the following informational and advisory services: The
Administrator conducts research on laws, makes calls to departments and educational
institutions, submits written inquiries to the board to thoroughly clarify all permits and
certifications. The User receives a file with explanations in Russian + links to official
resources + application forms. Feedback with the Administrator is provided for 1 month from
the date of purchase. Preparation time for the instructions: 5-7 business days. The User has the option to switch to the ‘We’ll handle it for you' tariff.
I. ‘Massage Therapist Permit Instruction’ service is provided to the User by the
Administrator and includes the following informational and advisory services: after
payment, within 7-10 business days, the User will receive their step-by-step plan for
obtaining a license/permit to work legally as a massage therapist in the USA in their personal
account. Additionally, the Administrator provides the User with all necessary materials,
application templates, and useful links. The User has the option to switch to the ‘We’ll handle it for you' tariff.
J. 'Basic Consultation No exam Service” is provided to the User by the
Administrator and includes the following informational and advisory services: The
Administrator and their team handle the User's documents for translation, print them,
complete the necessary applications, send them to the state department, and pay the required
fees; Communication with the Administrator and their team will be conducted via email or one the account of the platform https://student.soholms.com/ throughout the entire process, phone calls and Zoom-meetings between the User and the Administrator are NOT included in this service; The Administrator and their team handle the User's documents for translation, print them, complete the necessary applications, send them to the state department, and pay the required fees; if the board rejects to issue a license without the exam to the User’s, the Administrator apply the User’s case to the board again with the Exam License Application and open to the User 'Exam Preparation' Service; *The consultation does not include issuance or receipt of any certificates and/or statements.

1. The administrator commits:
1. to provide User with services in accordance with this Agreement and service package
chosen by User. Information about a specific service, its cost, the procedure for its
provision is provided on the Site.
2. The Administrator may involve third parties to fulfill service obligations and
guarantees proper rights to use any intellectual property involved.
2.1.3. The Administrator guarantees that he has all the necessary rights and permissions to
use the intellectual rights of third parties used in the provision of services.
2.2. : The User agrees:
2.2.1. to pay for services and provide all necessary information and paperwork to facilitate
service provision.
2.2.3. to strictly adhere to and not violate the terms of the Agreement, the rules for the
provision of services posted on the Site.
2.2.4. to ensure the safety of the protected intellectual property obtained through the
Site, such as videos and written materials to prevent their transfer to third parties.
2.2.5. to not reproduce, repeat, copy, sell, or use for any purpose the information and
materials that have become available to him on the Site.
2.2.6. In case of paying for the service in installments, the User undertakes to make
all payments in the prescribed manner.
2.3. The administrator has the right:
2.3.1. to receive from the User any information necessary to fulfill Administrator's
obligations under this Agreement. In case of failure to provide, or incomplete or incorrect
provision of information by the User, the Administrator has the right to suspend the
performance of his obligations under this Agreement without refund to User until the
requested information is provided.
2.3.2. to receive remuneration for the provision of services under this Agreement.
2.3.3. to suspend or restrict the User's access to the services of the Site, if the Administrator
reasonably believes that the User is engaged in illegal activities and violates the terms of this
2.4. The user has the right:
2.4.1. to receive services from the Administrator in accordance with this Agreement.
2.4.2. to use the services without interfering with or disrupting the work of the Administrator.

3.1. The Administrator's remuneration is calculated based on the cost of a specific service
indicated on the Site for each type of service. The scope of services depends on the
product and service package purchased by the User.
3.2. The Administrator's remuneration is paid in the currency indicated on the Site.
3.3. Payment for the services of the Administrator is made using the payment platforms listed
or provided on the Site.
3.4. The User's full access to the services, is provided subject to 100% payment of the
Administrator's remuneration, in the manner specified in this Agreement, on the Site or
otherwise communicated to the user.
3.5. The Administrator reserves the right to cancel the provision of services to the User
without a refund, if Administrator has reasonable suspicion that the User violates the rules of
this Agreement. Including but not limited to the publication by the User in the comments or
otherwise content prohibited by this Agreement or applicable law, including comments
containing language inciting ethnic or national conflicts, containing obscene language or
otherwise insulting other Users, the Administrator, as well as third parties, the publication of information that does not relate to the subject of the service or the publication of
3.6. The Administrator reserves the right to cancel the User's access to the services without a
refund, if it is established that they use or disseminate the information received during the
registration or term of service in their personal account to third parties or publicly. The use of
information and materials is allowed only for the personal use of the User. The User's access
to the provision of services is provided for no more than one User for each individual access.
3.7. When a third party submits a payment for the Services on behalf of the User, the person
or legal entity making such a payment should contact the Administrator directly to conclude
the relevant Agreement or invoice-contract in paper form.
3.8. There are no refunds for the Basic Consultation. We'll Handle it for You, Exam
Preparation, Salon Opening Consultation, Instructor’s Courses Opening Webinar,
Instruction for Permanent Makeup Artists, Instruction for Laser Hair Removal Specialists,
Massage Therapist Permit Instruction, Bulletin Board Service’
3.9. In the event that the User withdraws from the service after the commencement of the
consultation and the review of their documents by the consultant, but before their submission
to the relevant authorities, a 50% refund of the amount of full price of service may be granted at the discretion of the Administrator.
3.10. In the event that the relevant authorities (departments or board) reject the application of the User to get access to the exam based on the User’s documents, and the only way to get the license for the User is to go to the American beauty college a 100% refund may be granted at the discretion of the Administrator.

4.1. Grant of License: The Administrator grants the User a non-exclusive, non-transferable,
revocable license to access and use the services and content provided on the Site strictly in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement. This license is granted for the sole purpose of
enabling the User to use the benefit of the services as provided by the Administrator, in the
manner permitted by this Agreement.
4.2. Ownership and Restrictions: All rights, title, and interest in and to the services and
content available on the Site, including but not limited to any text, graphics, images, logos,
trademarks, service marks, trade names, software code, and associated intellectualproperty rights, are owned by the Administrator or its licensors and are protected under
intellectual property laws. Except for the license granted herein, nothing in this Agreement
shall be construed as transferring any aspects of such rights to the User or any third party.
4.3. Prohibited Uses: The User agrees not to copy, modify, create derivative works from,
display, perform, publish, distribute, disseminate, broadcast, circulate, or exploit any services
or content available on the Site, except as expressly permitted by this Agreement, without the
prior written consent of the Administrator.
4.4. User-Generated Content: Any content created and shared by the User on the Site (the
"User-Generated Content") remains the intellectual property of the User. However, by
sharing such content, the User grants the Administrator a perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-
free license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from,
distribute, perform, and display such User-Generated Content worldwide in connection with
the operation of the Site and the promotion of the services.
4.5. Attribution: The Administrator may provide attribution to User-Generated Content
whenever such content is used, as appropriate, acknowledging the User as the source.
4.6. No Transfer of Ownership: No transfer of ownership in any intellectual property will
occur under this Agreement. All licenses and usage rights granted to the User are conditional
upon continued compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
4.7. Protection of Intellectual Property: The User agrees to respect the intellectual
property rights of the Administrator and third parties. In case of any infringement or misuse
of the intellectual property found on the Site, the Administrator reserves the right to take all
necessary legal actions to protect its rights and may terminate the User's license to the Site
and services.

5.1. All information materials, including those published on the Site in the public domain, are
the intellectual property of the Administrator, or the intellectual property of third parties, the
permission to use which has been legally obtained by the Administrator. Granting access to
the User to information materials in the process of using the Site or providing services does
not imply permission to copy, distribute these information materials. Violation of the
procedure for using information materials will result in a unilateral refusal by the
Administrator to provide the service without a refund of remuneration, followed by blocking
the User's account. The Administrator reserves the right to collect a fine for violation of the
procedure for using information materials in the amount of 20,000 (twenty thousand) US
dollars for each violation.
5.2. The Administrator is not liable for service expectations not being met or for technical
issues but will endeavor to minimize interruptions.
5.3. Liability is limited to the remuneration received for each service.

6.1. Definition: "Force Majeure" refers to any event beyond the reasonable control of either
Party, which prevents a Party from complying with any of its obligations under this
Agreement, including but not limited to acts of God, natural disasters, war, terrorism, riots,
embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, fire, floods, accidents, strikes, or shortages of
transportation facilities, fuel, energy, labor or materials.
6.2. Notification: If a Party is affected by a Force Majeure event, it shall promptly notify the
other Party in writing of the nature and extent of the event causing its failure or delay in
6.3. Suspension of Duties: Upon occurrence of a Force Majeure event, the non-performing
Party is excused from any further performance or observance of the obligation(s) affectedby such event for as long as such event continues, and the Party has acted diligently to
mitigate the effects of the event to the extent within their control.
6.4. Mitigation and Right to Terminate: Both Parties shall use all reasonable endeavors to
mitigate the effect of the Force Majeure event upon performance of their respective
obligations under this Agreement. If the Force Majeure event prevails for a continuous period
of more than three (3) months, either Party may terminate this Agreement with immediate
effect upon written notice and without any liability other than a refund of services previously
paid for and not delivered.
6.5. Dispute Resolution: If there is a dispute as to whether an event qualifies as a Force
Majeure event under this Agreement, the dispute shall be resolved in accordance with the
dispute resolution procedure outlined in this Agreement.

7.1. Mandatory Arbitration: Any disputes, claims, or controversies arising out of or relating
to this Agreement, its breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation, or validity, including
the determination of the scope or applicability of this Agreement to arbitrate, shall be
determined by arbitration in New York, NY, before one arbitrator.
7.2. Governing Rules: The arbitration shall be administered by the American Arbitration
Association (AAA) pursuant to its Commercial Arbitration Rules and the Supplementary
Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes. The award rendered by the arbitrator shall
include costs of arbitration, reasonable attorneys' fees, and reasonable costs for experts and
other witnesses.
7.3. Law and Venue: Arbitration must be conducted in New York, NY, and any court with
jurisdiction thereof may enter judgment on the arbitration award. The Parties agree that the
arbitration shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York.
7.4. No Class Actions: The User agrees that any arbitration will be conducted in their
individual capacity only and not as a class action or other representative action, and the
User expressly waives their right to file a class action or seek relief on a class basis.7.5. Confidentiality: The Parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of the arbitration
proceedings and all related documents, including but not limited to the award, except as may
be necessary to prepare for or conduct the arbitration hearing on the merits, or except as may
be necessary in connection with a court application for a preliminary remedy, or confirmation
of an award or its enforcement, or unless otherwise required by law or judicial decision.
7.6. Exceptions to Arbitration: Claims for injunctive or equitable relief or claims regarding
intellectual property rights may be brought in a competent court without the necessity of
posting bond and shall not be subject to this arbitration agreement.
7.7. Right to Opt-Out: The User has the right to opt-out of the arbitration and class action
waiver provisions set forth above by sending written notice of their decision to opt-out to the
Administrator's address listed in the Agreement within thirty (10) days of agreeing to these

8.1. The Agreement can be terminated by mutual consent or unilaterally by the Administrator
in case of User violations.
8.2. The Administrator has the right to terminate this Agreement and terminate the User's
access to the services of the Site unilaterally at any time and for any reason at its
discretion, as well as in case of violation by the User of any of the conditions specified in
this Agreement.

9.1. The User confirms agreement with this contract and the personal data processing
policy upon payment for services.9.2 The User guarantees that he has the technical ability to use the services of the
9.3. The possibility of transferring the date of the provision of services at the request of
one of the parties at the sole discretion of the Administrator.
9.4. The Administrator's site may contain links to other Internet resources. By accepting the
Offer, the User agrees that the Administrator is not responsible for the availability of these
resources and their content, as well as for any consequences associated with the use of the
content of these resources.
9.5. The Parties acknowledge that if any of the provisions of the Agreement becomes invalid
during the term of its validity due to changes in legislation, or upon court order or
determination by the arbitral tribunal, the remaining provisions of the Agreement are binding
on the Parties.
9.6. By accepting this Agreement, the User confirms that he has read and agrees with the
personal data processing policy posted on the Site.
9.7. By accepting the terms of this Agreement, the User expresses his consent to receive
information about all other Services, access to participation in which is given by the
Administrator, regardless of the term of this Agreement, provided that such consent can be
revoked by the User at any time by sending a corresponding request to the Administrator .
9.8. Everything that is not regulated by the provisions of this Agreement and the rules posted on
the Site regarding each service is permitted by using the norms of the current legislation.

Kristina Gasenko Consulting LLC
Email: info@kglicense.com
Terms and conditions
Terms and conditions
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